Welcome to Avaleur, a medieval fantasy roleplay site where anything is a possibility. Face bandits, or knights. Work your way up to become part of Avaleur's castle, or try your luck at being a thief. Own a shop, be a guild master, start a family. The possibilities are endless.
"That's great. I am too, I am a little nervous. the only person I know more than a name is Dosise." she shrugged hopefully I meet some nice new people." normally Erika would have held a grudge against Ryn and his friends for laughing at her, but since Dosise seemed to like them she would overlook it.
"No way!" Erika exclaimed, "I am taking a swordsman class too, but only one semester, you see I can't afford to take that and the magic classes I want to take." she explains. "What about you guys?" she asks looking at Nat and his crew.