Welcome to Avaleur, a medieval fantasy roleplay site where anything is a possibility. Face bandits, or knights. Work your way up to become part of Avaleur's castle, or try your luck at being a thief. Own a shop, be a guild master, start a family. The possibilities are endless.
"When you can kill a god of course," he chuckled, "But to be considered strong in my eyes is not quite what I meant. Not before you are closer anyway."
"Closer to being stronge in others eyes. I am a bit hard to please." he chuckled harshly with some coughing again. "So let us being to get aquainted, Maureth, what do you specialize in? And what can you do?"
Maureth pursed his lips. "I'm good at what I need to be good at at the time. But I have to say that I specialize in fighting. And what of you old man? What're you good at?"
"My species adapt to survive in the conditions that are available. To clarify, if you hit me, my skin becomes harder and harder until your blows are useless against me."
Maureth raised an eyebrow. "Your species? And while that may be fine and dandy for you, What if the person you're fighting can kill you without touching you?"
Kamieo burst out laughing, "Well you don't go around and being stupid! After awhile you learn to control your abilities a bit. Get them started and warmed up." he stood to demonstrate. He walked into the corner of the dark room and his skin began to turn dark to hide him from view. His body felt the eyes still watching so he then became blind to those who saw heat, then it continued to his skin even becoming the pattern of the wall and him being unseen by those with life force seeing eyes as his skin formed a thin layer of dead cells. He had become invisible.
Maureth chuckled. "To the naked eye you would be hidden, yes, but not for my eyes. You blocked normal, heat, and life force vision, but my eyes see something else... My eyes see through you." He said, referring to his skeletal system.
Kamieo chuckled, "You wait. It would not take much longer for it to take even that away." Everything began to come back as he walked out and sat back down. "You just have to know when the sacrifice is not worth the reward. I have been watching you, and sometimes someone like you..." he paused, "You rely much too much on your eyes" he said pointing to them.