Welcome to Avaleur, a medieval fantasy roleplay site where anything is a possibility. Face bandits, or knights. Work your way up to become part of Avaleur's castle, or try your luck at being a thief. Own a shop, be a guild master, start a family. The possibilities are endless.
"Yes, I am also surprised. It is a rather petite castle." Lorelei walked into the library. She immediately noticed the lack of people. "Did everybody in this town die? Why have we not seen anyone in the castle?"
"Well Avaleur has been destroyed mutiple times but has kept getting rebuilt so that would explain the castle's size" he explained. He chuckled at Lorelei's observation "i'm wondering that myself, i'm sure there are some people around however it's weird to not see atleast one person wandering around." he looked from row-to-row of bookshelves but saw no one.
"Perhaps it is due to the war or something? Though if that were the case, there would still be many people here.." Lorelei muttered but shrugged it off. She looked around the library. "It is very nice! I am glad it is quiet."
"Yeah, its an impressive library compared to others i've seen, i come here more often then other places it seems its easy to get things done here." he crossed his arms over his chest.
Lorelei walked over to a book shelve, she pulled a book out and flipped through the pages. "It is amazing how many tiny words fit onto one page. How confusing."
"Its not hard to read you know?" he firgured might as well learn now then never "here i'll show you, its the same learning to writ-oh....yeah ok forget that part, but its quiet easy" he walked over to Lorelei.
Sanaki took the book and flipped to a random page "We'll start with something easy i suppose" he was surprised at the small text and weight of the book, out of all of the books she managed to pick one with around 1200 pages in it.
"I guess 'the' should be simple enough, now each letter has its own sound and...-a very long and detailed explanation shall be skipped so 1. we aren't here forever and 2. it is almost impossible to explain via typing-...if you do that with each word you should be set" he smiled hoping she understood and would remember all that.
Loreleis mind was not able to retain all the information but she nodded her head anyways to avoid staying longer. "Yes, but I must go now. It is dark outside now and I have to wake up early."
"Oh my your right it seems my explantion has gone on for longer then i expected; very well then goodnight and it was pleasure to meet you" he held out his hand.
Lorelei stared at the mans hand, not realizing he was expecting a handshake. "Well, good-bye then." She said, as she stared at it another moment and then walked away.
"Eh!? um o-okay then... good-bye..." he sighed, he kept in mind to teach her normal social functions if they met again, he began to walk home thinking of the day he just had.